Monday, May 30, 2016

Broadway Show June 1st: Stage Crew members please connect with parent(s)
Field Trip Forms: Business Luncheon & McMichael Art Gallery please return forms & funds 

EQAO: An open-mind, a positive attitude and continuing to be contributing members in their own learning is needed from all students. Get plenty of rest tonight, eat a hardy breakfast and bring a refillable bottle of water. For students who prefer using their own materials, it would be helpful to have extra pencils, an eraser, a ruler and a calculator. I have materials in class for students to use as needed.

VISUAL ARTS: students have selected an artist to research (short bio). Begin to collect information using the guide in Google Classroom

SOCIAL STUDIES: continue research in Global Issues Wiki organize inquiry questions under PEEPS category. 

Coding in the Elementary Grades: tips, tricks and refresher

Broadway Show June 1st: Bring in all props needed for Wednesday

Field Trip Forms: Business Luncheon & McMichael Art Gallery please return forms & funds 

EQAO: An open-mind, a positive attitude and continuing to be contributing members in their own learning is needed from all students. Get plenty of rest tonight, eat a hardy breakfast and bring a refillable bottle of water. For students who prefer using their own materials, it would be helpful to have extra pencils, an eraser, a ruler and a calculator. I have materials in class for students to use as needed.

VISUAL ARTS: students have selected an artist to research (short bio). Begin to collect information using the guide in Google Classroom

SOCIAL STUDIES: continue research in Global Issues Wiki organize inquiry questions under PEEPS category. 

Coding in the Elementary Grades: tips, tricks and refresher 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

CONGRATULATIONS to students in Room 301 & 308 on receiving The Learning Partnership BMO Financial Group National Student Innovation Award. Category: Originality

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Please review Island School overnight camp forms with your child. DUE this week.

EQAO: An open-mind, a positive attitude and continuing to be contributing members in their own learning is needed from all students.

VISUAL ARTS: students have selected an artist to research (short bio). Begin to collect information using the guide in Google Classroom

SOCIAL STUDIES: continue research in Global Issues Wiki organize inquiry questions under PEEPS category. 

Coding in the Elementary Grades: tips, tricks and refresher

Friday, May 20, 2016

The second week of May was exciting and brought many learning opportunities from Track and Field to Silverbirch and prepping for EQAO.  Have a fantastic weekend be safe and enjoy time with family and friends.

1.  Bring in Props
2.  Brainstorm ideas for tableau
3.  Start to write the introduction for our musical production.  (I have created a document and sent out an invitation. (the intro should include ideas from the play, the time period and creating justice for all)

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Please review Island School overnight camp forms with your child and return by the assigned due date.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): We have started with EQAO preparations in our classes, and the pace is slightly different (slower) than it has been leading up to Business Day.  Please note that the students are taking part in the review process as it is a summary of learning of our Grade 6 program. Sample tasks from EQAO review booklets have been used and completed by students since the beginning of the school year. There are no moving targets of achievement, no tricks or surprises. An open-mind, a positive attitude and continuing to be contributing members in their own learning is needed from all students.

SOCIAL STUDIES: continue research in Global Issues Wiki organize inquiry questions under PEEPS category. 

Coding in the Elementary Grades: tips, tricks and refresher

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Monday, May 16, 2016

MATH: looking at transformation geometry (combined rotation, translation, reflection on a coordinate grid) Share an examples of Global Tessellation patterns in PADLET

SOCIAL STUDIES: continue research in Local/Global Issues Wiki 

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): We have started with EQAO preparations in our classes, and the pace is slightly different (slower) than it has been leading up to Business Day.  Please note that the students are taking part in the review process as it is a summary of learning of our Grade 6 program. Sample tasks from EQAO review booklets have been used and completed by students since the beginning of the school year. There are no moving targets of achievement, no tricks or surprises. An open-mind, a positive attitude and continuing to be contributing members in their own learning is needed from all students.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Please review Island School overnight camp forms with your child and return by the assigned due date.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

MATH: looking at transformation geometry (combined rotation, translation, reflection on a coordinate grid) Share an examples of Global Tessellation patterns in PADLET

SOCIAL STUDIES: continue research in Local/Global Issues Wiki 

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): We have started with EQAO preparations in our classes, and the pace is slightly different (slower) than it has been leading up to Business Day.  Please note that the students are taking part in the review process as it is a summary of learning of our Grade 6 program. Sample tasks from EQAO review booklets have been used and completed by students since the beginning of the school year. There are no moving targets of achievement, no tricks or surprises. An open-mind, a positive attitude and continuing to be contributing members in their own learning is needed from all students.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Please review Island School overnight camp forms with your child and return by the assigned due date.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

MATH: looking at transformation geometry (combined rotation, translation, reflection on a coordinate grid) Share an examples of Global Tessellation patterns in PADLET

SOCIAL STUDIES: continue research in Local/Global Issues Wiki 

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): We have started with EQAO preparations in our classes, and the pace is slightly different (slower) than it has been leading up to Business Day.  Please note that the students are taking part in the review process as it is a summary of learning of our Grade 6 program. Sample tasks from EQAO review booklets have been used and completed by students since the beginning of the school year. There are no moving targets of achievement, no tricks or surprises. An open-mind, a positive attitude and continuing to be contributing members in their own learning is needed from all students.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Please review Island School overnight camp forms with your child and return by the assigned due date.

Monday, May 9, 2016

MATH: looking at transformation geometry (combined rotation, translation, reflection on a coordinate grid) Share an examples of Global Tessellation patterns in PADLET

SOCIAL STUDIES: continue research in Global Issues Wiki

This is a big week for the McMurrich Welcomes Refugees project! A professional artist will be working with the children to create artworks around the theme of "The Butterfly Effect," which will be displayed at an art show/bake sale/open mic talent night on Friday! Bakers and other volunteers needed! More info 
here: or come to the McMurrich Welcomes Refugees committee meeting on Tuesday May 10th at 7 o'clock in the library.

Next School Council meeting is on Thursday May 19th.
McMurrich School Council

Friday, May 6, 2016

MATH: looking at transformation geometry (combined rotation, translation, reflection on a coordinate grid)
Share an examples of Global Tessellation patterns in PADLET

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

MATH: looking at transformation geometry
5- U7 L1 #1 2
6- U7 L2 Entrance Pass

1.  Being a Global/Local Detective and share in Padlet
2.  Develop one additional inquiry question for your research area
3.  Find one website that can be used as a resource
     consider the following:
    - are you able to understand the text (5 finger rule)
    - does it connect to your topic and inquiry questions
    - read several parts of the website before selecting it

1.  Reflection on Google Classroom- Past Due

Oral Response Questions (Business Day):
  1. How did your sample population survey inform your group's decision to select the business concept, which is you product/service for Business Day 2016?
  2. Identify and provide supporting details to 3 main ideas on the importance of the Pillar of Education.
  3. Describe (provide examples) your character traits, which best support the role and responsibilities of your position.
  4. How would you describe your group's cooperative skills and overall group experience?
  5. Describe how you actively participate as a leader in your group.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

MATH: looking at transformation geometry
5- U7 L1 #1 2
6- U7 L2 Entrance Pass
SOCIAL STUDIES: Being a Global/Local Detective and share in Padlet
- Develop one additional inquiry question for your research area

1.  Reflection on Google Classroom- Due Wednesday

Oral Response Questions (Business Day):
  1. How did your sample population survey inform your group's decision to select the business concept, which is you product/service for Business Day 2016?
  2. Identify and provide supporting details to 3 main ideas on the importance of the Pillar of Education.
  3. Describe (provide examples) your character traits, which best support the role and responsibilities of your position.
  4. How would you describe your group's cooperative skills and overall group experience?
  5. Describe how you actively participate as a leader in your group.

Monday, May 2, 2016

MATH: looking at transformation geometry

SOCIAL STUDIES: Being a Global/Local Detective and share in Padlet

Oral Response Questions (Business Day):
  1. How did your sample population survey inform your group's decision to select the business concept, which is you product/service for Business Day 2016?
  2. Identify and provide supporting details to 3 main ideas on the importance of the Pillar of Education.
  3. Describe (provide examples) your character traits, which best support the role and responsibilities of your position.
  4. How would you describe your group's cooperative skills and overall group experience?
  5. Describe how you actively participate as a leader in your group.