Monday, November 30, 2015

Math:  We are review concepts of time and how they relate to each other
Grade 5 U6 L2- # 1 2 3 6 7 Reflect
Grade 6 U6 L1 #1-5 Reflect

Blacklight Performance:  Review and listen to the song Imagine by John Lennon
- Review the elements of dance sheet and think about how you can incorporate dance into the song
- Review other dances on youtube to help you
- Brainstorm idea on the cut outs that you could create

Ensure that you have check at home that you have the right shirt and pants for our performance next week
Have parents/guardian sign agenda that you will be attending next weeks concert.

All forms are due in tomorrow!

Thank you to David Carroll for coming in and talking about unleashing your inner powers.  

Friday, November 27, 2015

We have finalized our success posters and created our Mindset pictures,.  Next week we will work on a black light performance to honour the concept of peace and harmony.  Have a great weekend :o)

Math:  We are review concepts of time and how they relate to each other
Grade 5 U9 L9 #1 2 4
Grade 6 U6 L2 #7,8 Reflect

Blacklight Performance:  Review and listen to the song Imagine by John Lennon
- Review the elements of dance sheet and think about how you can incorporate dance into the song
- Review other dances on youtube to help you
- Brainstorm idea on the cut outs that you could create

Timetoast:  Canadian War Hero - congrats to the students who presented their presentations 
Feedback to bump your presentations:
*  define and understand terms in your description
*  copy and pasting directly from a website into your time toast presentations is considered plagiarism- you need to source all your information
*  check for paragraph structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure

*  add detail to give your reader more information (ex. describing what the Victoria Cross is, how you are awarded the Victoria Cross etc.)
*  add appropriate pictures

Google Classroom

Book Recommendation- you will be presenting your new recommendation over the next two days (Monday and Tuesday)

GRA- Fish in the Tree
In our Global Read Aloud the main character Ally changes throughout the story by changing her mindset and how she perceives different situations.  The students in Room 301 created their own mindset statements as a reminder that they have the ability to control there environment.

Blacklight Performance Ideas- check out the following website for ideas


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Math:  We are review concepts of time and how they relate to each other
Grade 5 U6 L1 #2 3a 4 5 Reflect
Grade 6 U6 L2 #1 2ab 3 4 5 6 Reflect

Blacklight Performance:  Review and listen to the song Imagine by John Lennon
- Review the elements of dance sheet and think about how you can incorporate dance into the song
- Review other dances on youtube to help you

Timetoast:  Canadian War Hero - congrats to the students who presented their presentations 
Feedback to bump your presentations:
*  define and understand terms in your description
*  copy and pasting directly from a website into your time toast presentations is considered plagiarism- you need to source all your information
*  check for paragraph structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure
*  add detail to give your reader more information (ex. describing what the Victoria Cross is, how you are awarded the Victoria Cross etc.)

Google Classroom

Book Recommendation- you will be presenting your new recommendation over the next two days.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Math:  We are review concepts of time and how they relate to each other
Grade 5 U6 L1 #2 3a 4 5 Reflect
Grade 6 U6 L2 #1 2ab 3 4 5 6 Reflect

Blacklight Performance:  Review and listen to the song Imagine by John Lennon
- Review the elements of dance sheet and think about how you can incorporate dance into the song
- Review other dances on youtube to help you

Timetoast:  Canadian War Hero (due Thursday)

Google Classroom

Book Recommendation- you will be presenting your new recommendation over the next two days.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

1.  Mindset Padlet:  Finalize your mindset statement (Fixed vs Growth)

2.  Kidblog:  FIAT- finalize your predictions and questions for the final week of reading

3.  VT- review your classmates VT pages consider the following when commenting:  How is the song lyrics similar or different to yours?  what other poetic devices did you notice in the lyrics?  how does the song inspire change/send a positive message

4.  Timetoast:  Due Thursday- Finalize your war hero timelines (minimum 5 events)

Be prepared to present your new book recommendation to the class in community circle
Mindset Padlet- Click on the link and post your statement in ONE post it note.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Voicethread- today you uploaded your song lyrics to VT, next you need to respond to the guiding questions on my voice thread page (Preview song lyrics from the present day and in the past. Select a song and describe how it is considered poetry. Make reference to how the poem is written and it they use any poetic devices. Describe how your poem/song lyrics has influenced/inspired you to create change or describe how the lyrics/poem sends out a positive message of change!

Math:  Unit 7 SWYK # 3.4 (for question 3 don't answer the transformation part of the question)
             Unit 7 Lesson 4 page 262

War Hero (timetoast)- using your research notes create a timeline with a minimum of 5 events on your timeline- Due Thursday

Mindset- During our Global Read Aloud the main character Ally goes through a number of changes especially with her mindset-  create a mindset statement and write it in your agenda (we discussed today where we would put these and as discussed they will go by/in your lockers as a reminder that you can make a difference in your own learning)

Past DUE
Kidblog:  Finalize your kidblog FIAT choice board write up

Fish in a Tree- today in class while we were reading we came across the following problem:  try solving it and we will discuss tomorrow (Chicken, Wolf, Grain, Boat, River)
"You need to get all three of these items (chicken, wolf, grain) across the river but you can only take one item at a time in the boat.  You can't leave the wolf alone with the chicken because the chicken will  become lunch.  You can't leave the chicken with the grain or the grain will become lunch.  So how do you get all three items across the river?  Remember only one item in the boat at a time"

Korean Drumming Workshop

Friday, November 20, 2015

Another great week of learning and building a strong community of learners.  We learned to use iMovie and finalized our book trailer scripts next week we will be finalizing our trailers.  Have a fantastic weekend :o)

KIDBLOG:  Review the 4 chooses available to you and select one that you would research and report on.  Class time was provided, use some at home time to finalize research and paragraph(s)

CANADIAN WAR HERO- Finalize jot notes (past due)

SONG LYRICS-listen to and review the lyrics of a variety of songs from present day to the past- you are analyzing the lyrics/song with a message of creating change or making a difference. Write the name of the artist/group and name of the song in your agenda.  You will need this information for Monday

BOOK RECOMMENDATION- During Monday community circle you will recommend a new book to the class, remember to consider why you would recommend the book and the following statement I am a reader of….

MATH: Geometry: identifying congruent and similar figures based on corresponding sides and angles
 Class was provided to work on the following tasks below:
Grade 5: page 236 # 1 3 4 5
Grade 6:  page 258 # 1-6

- R/D War hero research
- Science Biodiversity

Thursday, November 19, 2015

KIDBLOG:  Review the 4 chooses available to you and select one that you would research and report on.  Class time was provided, use some at home time to finalize research.

MATH: Geometry: identifying congruent and similar figures based on corresponding sides and angles
 Class was provided to work on the following tasks below:
Grade 5: page 236 # 1 3 4 5
Grade 6:  page 258 # 1-6

- Poetry
- R/D War hero research
- Science Biodiversity

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

MATH: Geometry: identifying congruent and similar figures based on corresponding sides and angles
 Class was provided to work on the following tasks below:
Grade 5: page 236 # 1 3 4 5
Grade 6:  page 258 # 1-6

BOOK TRAILERToday at the Apple Story you finalized the creation of your movie trailer.  Each group will need to finalize their trailer by including credits and sourcing their images.  

You effectively worked in teams to create a script, downloaded images so that you were prepared for today's training session.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

MATH:  We are learning to construct triangles, parallogram and quadrilaterals using a compass and protractor.  Class was provided to work on the following tasks below:
Grade 5:  U3 L5 #1-7
Grade 6:  U3 L4 #7-9

BOOK TRAILER: Tomorrow is our trip to learn to create our Movie Trailers, in order to be prepared for tomorrow finish the following (class time was provided to finalize all work):
-  Finalize your script 
-  Download all pictures onto USB key and put the source of the picture (URL) into your storyboard
-  Include all URL address for your pictures so that you can site all sources

Field Trip:  Bring a litterless lunch

Monday, November 16, 2015

MATH:  We are learning to construct triangles using a compass and protractor
Grade 5:  U3 SWYK #1-6
Grade 6:  U3 L4 #3-5

BOOK TRAILER: Today you were introduced to how to design and create a book trailer.  We will using google classroom as a way to collaborate and finalize all scripts prior to going to our trip on Wednesday.
-  Finalize your script for tomorrow
-  Download all pictures onto USB key and put the source of the picture (URL) into your storyboard

Field Trip Forms:  Remember to bring in all forms for Wednesday

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Google Classroom:
1.  Canadian War Hero- we will be researching a war hero then sharing our findings to the class so that we can learn and appreciate those who have served and are serving our country.  Step 1-3 are due Monday November 16

2.  Independent poem (Remembrance Day)- Finalize your poem (tomorrow you will use the feedback sheet to give yourself descriptive feedback in order to bump up your poems)

Practice your 1-4 timetable
Finish lesson on symmetry

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Google Classroom:
1.  Canadian War Hero- we will be researching a war hero then sharing our findings to the class so that we can learn and appreciate those who have served and are serving our country.  Step 1-3 are due Monday November 16

2.  Independent poem (Remembrance Day)- Finalize your poem (tomorrow you will use the feedback sheet to give yourself descriptive feedback in order to bump up your poems)

Practice your 1-4 timetable

Congratulation on your drama presentation today, you effectively communicated the voice of Vimy Ridge and honoured our armed forces.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Google Classroom:  Finalize any work that needs to be submitted  (Duck Poem, 40 sec in a year and Remembrance Day Poem)

Remembrance Day:   
*  Select 2-3 Canadian War Hero that you would like to research
*  Voicethread- finalize watching video and comment

Remembrance Day Ceremony:
*  Wear white/dark bottoms
*  Poppy Money

Friday, November 6, 2015

As a class community we had a great week of learning and preparing for Remembrance Day.  

Remembrance Day
Vimy Ridge- research 3 key point and be ready share on Monday

Ideas- Brainstorm ideas for a sculpture, wreath, or poster to present at the Remembrance Day Ceremony

Google Classroom:  In class time was provided, use at home time to complete tasks
- Duck Poem
- Biodiversity
- 40 sec in a Year

Poetry:  read over your poetry handout which will help you to bump up your poems this weekend

Past Due
Remembrance Day Video (comment twice on each video)

- Use the video and brainstorm a list of adjective or poetic phrases
- Comment and reflect on the video 

Quote:  research inspiration quotes that inspire you as a person- you will need this for tomorrow- past due

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Google Classroom-
- Finalize group Remembrance Day Poem
- Finalize duck, and 40 seconds in a year poem

Remembrance Day Video (comment twice on each video)

- Use the video and brainstorm a list of adjective or poetic phrases
- Comment and reflect on the video 

Quote:  research inspiration quotes that inspire you as a person- you will need this for tomorrow- past due

Remembrance Day
Poem- review the poem and brainstorm ideas to create a variety of tableau scenes (draw or write)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Google Classroom- Use tonight to catch up on past due and ongoing work

Remembrance Day Video (comment twice on each video)

- Use the video and brainstorm a list of adjective or poetic phrases
- Comment and reflect on the video 

Quote:  research inspiration quotes that inspire you as a person- you will need this for tomorrow

Remembrance Day
As a class we will be helping to support the sales of Poppies on Remembrance Day and to spread awareness on this important day.

In your teams finish your research and first draft of your ideas so that we can edit and finalize your work for tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Google Classroom- Use tonight to catch up on past due and ongoing work

*  Remembrance Day- Use the video and brainstorm a list of adjective or poetic phrases
    Watch the video posted here tonight, write down your words in your agenda and you will be given time to record ideas tomorrow

Quote:  research inspiration quotes that inspire you as a person- you will need this for tomorrow